Dunholme St Chad's Church Of England Primary School

Creating a community with open hearts and open minds
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Dear Parents and Children,

Welcome to Dunholme St Chad's Church of England Primary School. We are proud of our school and its family ethos - underpinned by Christian Values. Our strong inclusive ethos places children at the heart of everything we do.

By choosing to come to our school you and your family will become part of a happy and caring community, where relationships between children and adults are outstanding. We make it a priority for children, in each of our seven classes, to feel secure working with a dedicated team of familiar and skilled adults. Our children enjoy coming to school to learn and make friends. As a team, we support and facilitate learning to ensure all children, throughout the school, make excellent progress and do their very best.

The children in our care have a range of opportunities to develop their interests and talents through an enriched curriculum and extra-curricular activities. We believe happy children develop positive attitudes to learning and this nurtures curiosity and sparks creativity. We want our children to be inquisitive, inspired and motivated, willingly sharing their discoveries or 'light bulb' moments with others.

We encourage and guide all children so they develop into confident individuals who are prepared to tackle new things with increased independence. We recognise the importance of transition at each stage of schooling.

Please spend a few moments browsing our school-website to see a sample of what we do and how we organise ourselves. If you are new to the area you are most welcome to contact the school to arrange a visit. We are pleased to welcome children in all year groups. For our existing families and Friends of the School we hope the website gives you a means of sharing and celebrating all that we do.  Please take a look to see what's coming up and let us know if would like to get involved.

We very much value and enjoy our partnership with parents and the local community as we continue to work together.

Karen Appleby


Latest New School Calendar Events

Term 5: 16 Apr - 24 May16Apr2024

KS2 After-School Football (787)20May2024

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Year 3 Snipe Dales Visit21May2024

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